Las Vegas offers dozens of ways to regret losing your money in each and every casino. This is a warning about some of the most popular nongambling ways. We’ve tried, and thoroughly regretted, all of these “must do” experiences, hopefully so you don’t have to.

Indoor Gondola Ride
If your notion of romance is sharing a 10-13 minute float through a shopping center in a manmade pond with one or more strangers, then by all means, ignore our advice. (If you don’t have at least four people in your party, other passengers will be seated with you — unless you spring $156 for a private ride for two.)
Wait, it gets worse…
Your gondolier will sing — loudly and in Italian — whether you want him to or not. This will draw unwanted attention to your awkward predicament, causing at least one group of tourists inside the Venetian to video you and post the clip to social media.