You might normally associate German engineering with cars and football teams, but Merkur Gaming is transferring that ruthlessly efficient knack for machines to the world of slot machines. With an impressive history in the trade and a top-notch range of land-based games in their repertoire, this software developer is not to be overlooked.
The company boasts more than 150 different titles, many of which are available online at a small selection of real money online slots websites. While Merkur slots may not be at the very cutting edge of design and graphics, they do not hold back when it comes to variety. So, no matter what your tastes are, there is bound to be something which answers your betting dreams.
Nearly 60 Years in the Business
Merkur Gaming's history stretches back more than 50 years to 1957, when Paul Gauselmann created the Gauselmann Group – a huge enterprise which specialises in the creation of slot machines and betting arcade games. As a matter of fact, the businessman has some 200 titles and other inventions patented under his name. Now, that is quite a reputation for ingenuity and innovation. So, you can be quite certain that this software provider is going to deliver some very intriguing games.
Nowadays, the Gauselmann Group employs more than 8,000 staff and Paul Gauselmann himself is a renowned figure in the German business world. He has received a Federal Cross of Merit for his services to business and technology and he is an honorary citizen of Espelkamp and Leubbecke, where his enterprises are based. He even set up a foundation which supports social projects in his hometown. So, you may not have heard of him before, but this guy is basically a legend of the German online casinos and gambling industry, and a legend in his own right.