With a claim to over 100 slot machine titles and a hefty handful of other casino games, it is a surprise that SGS Universal hasn't been able to make a substantial impression on the e-gaming world. The Ukraine based developer even has the capabilities to deliver outstandingly beautiful slot machines with 3D graphics for the HTML5 mobile market.
Perhaps the reason that this software company is relatively unknown on the online gambling circuit is is due to the fact SGS Universal has enjoyed a longer history supplying gaming machine hardware to land-based casinos. However, perhaps more telling is the fact that the tech firm hasn't been particularly savvy in its distribution of games to the online casino circuit with only four known websites stocking its games. And, as we will find out, two of those websites are not exactly considered as reputable within the online betting community.
From Ukraine to the UK
Despite only setting up shop online in 2009, SGS Universal claims to have more than 30 years of experience creating both the hardware and software to bring exciting gaming solutions to the gambling industry. With the main development studio based in Ukraine and administrative offices in the UK, the US and Switzerland, it has to be said that this company is far from being a small-time operation.
Indeed, as the company's website claims, the outfits gaming machine technology has been successfully distributed to video terminals across the West and East of the European continent.