Online games developer Fortune Factory Studios was launched in 2018 with their games exclusively for use by Microgaming operators. The studio is comprised of experts in both land-based gaming and video gaming industries, and their ‘product with personality’ ethos shines through in everything they do. They so far have 8 titles to their name and each of them is bold and full of personality, with bright colors and eye-catching designs that feel smooth to play. They have a variety of games with themes varying from ancient Egyptian to Tiki beaches to discos, there are Fortune Factory Studios slot games for everyone.
Bright and Bold Designs
The Fortune Factory Studios website is simple yet attractive to look at, with a dark color base that forces you to pay attention to the main event: the Fortune Factory Studios slot games. The design of these games is all bold and eye-catching, with bright color schemes and a huge variety of themes taking you everywhere from the beach adventure that is seen in the Tiki Mania slot machine to a wild club night with the village people in the Village People: Macho Moves slot machine. The design of these games varies across the range of Fortune Factory Studios online slots, but across the board, the graphics all have a feeling of fun cartoon-style games that you’ll want to jump right into.