Yolted is a slots brand that claims to interrupt the casino game market. Despite their belief that the Yolted slots games are bigger and better than anything else on the market, we think that they fall short a little of this giant claim.
When you play the online slots from Yolted, however, you are in for a treat. These games are highly-designed and are packed full of innovative mechanics and ways to win. Yolted promises to offer slots that electrify, and you will certainly find them with this brand.
A Clean and Modern Website
Since they are determined to shake up the industry and make their games stand out from other top online slots, it only makes sense that the Yolted slot machines can be found at an interesting site. The team has chosen a white background with pops of color and the occasional glitch effect, and it makes for a very evocative place to explore these games. With links to their social media and profiles for each of their individual titles, there is a lot that can be learned from a little search onsite.
The art style for the Yolted slots varies wildly depending on the game. There are several games that use a classic anime style, while there are others that use a more stylized approach. Both types of slot look amazing, and they are sure to stand out in the libraries of many a casino.