Octopus Gaming

There’s always a great deal of excitement amongst players whenever a new software provider springs up in the iGaming industry and you’d think that would be the case with Octopus Gaming after paying a visit to their official website as they boast about a catalogue of 90+ world-class games and claim to provide a thrilling, fun and worry-free gaming experience, however, their emergence has instead been met with a great deal of scepticism.

Despite the company’s Facebook and Twitter accounts, which remain dormant, being registered in November 2016, it wasn’t until October 2017 that the Octopus Gaming website went live. An online presence usually acts as a platform for a company to divulge information on who the owners are and how the company came to be. Instead, Octopus Gaming have opted to keep their cards close to their chest by only stating that they have headquarters in St. John’s, Antigua. A plausible excuse for this could have been that they simply didn’t get around to it yet, but it only took a quick browse of their gaming portfolio by experienced online gamblers and industry veterans for suspicions to arise as to who is really behind the company.
